A |
AFGHANISTAN Embassy of India Malalai Watt, Shahre-Nau, Kabul, Afghanistan. Telephone: 00-873-763095560 Fax: 00-873-763095561 Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Website: https://meakabul.nic.in/
ALGERIA Embassy of India 14, Rue des Abassides, El Biar, Algiers, Algeria. BP. 108, El-Biar, 16030 Algiers, Algeria Telephone: 00-213-21-923288, 923444 Fax: 00-213-21-924011 Email: [email protected] Website: www.indianembassy.dz
ANGOLA Embassy of India 18 A, Rua Marques das Minas, Caixa Postal 6040, Maculusso, Luanda, Angola Telephone: 00-244-2-392281, 371089 Fax: 00-244-2-371094 Email: [email protected] [Ambassador’s Office], [email protected] & [email protected] [HOC], [email protected] [Consular Services]
ARGENTINA Embassy of India Torre Madero, 19th Floor, Avenida Eduardo Madero 942, [1106] Buenos Aires, Argentina Telephone: 00-54-11-43934001, 43934156 Fax: 00-54-11-43934063 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Web: www.indembarg.org.ar
AUSTRALIA Embassy of India 3-5, Moonah Place, Yarralumla, Canberra ACT 2600 Telephone: 00-61-2-62733999, 62733774 Fax: 00-61-2-62731308 Email:[email protected][Administration], [email protected] [Information/Cultural] Web: www.hcindia-au.org
ARMENIA Embassy of India 50/2, Dzorapi Street, Yerevan – 375019 Telephone: 00-374-10-539173/74/75 Fax: 00-374-10-533984/539170 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indianembassy.am
AUSTRIA Embassy of India Kaerntnerring 2, A-1015 Telephone: 00-43-1-5058666, 4794372, 5850795 Fax: 00-43-1-5059219 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indianembassy.at
AZERBAIJAN Embassy of India 31/39, Oktay Karimov Street, Ganjlik, Narimanov District, Baku 370 069 Telephone: 00-994-12-5646354, 5646344; 5412012 [ER]B Fax: 00-994-12-4472572 Email: [email protected] [Admn. & Commercial], [email protected] [Consular]
B |
BAHRAIN Embassy of India Building 182, Road 2608, Area 326, Ghudaibiya, PO Box No. 26106, Adliya – 326 Telephone: 00-973-17712683, 17712785, 17712649, 17713832 Fax: 00-973-17715527 Email: [email protected] Web: https://indianembassybahrain.com
BANGLADESH High Commission of India House No. 2, Road No. 142, Gulshan-I, Dhaka, Bangladesh Telephone: 00-8802-9889339, 9888789-91 Fax: 00-8802-8817487 Email: [email protected] Web: www.hcidhaka.org
Assistant High Commission of India 567/B, Greater Road, Laxmipur, Rajshahi Telephone: 00-880-721-861211 / 213/ 214/ 215 Fax: 00-880-721-861212 Email: [email protected]
Assistant High Commission of India H.No.2, B-2, Road No. 1, Kulshi, Chittagong, Bangladesh Telephone: 00-880-31-654148 Fax: 00-880-31-654147 Email: [email protected] Web: www.ahcictg.org BELARUS (Republic of) MINSK EMBASSY OF INDIA Embassy of India Sobinova Street 63, Minsk 220040, Belarus Telephone: 00-375-17-2629399, 2627739 Fax: 00-375-17-2884799, 2161896 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Web: www.indembminsk.org
BELGIUM Embassy of India 217 Chaussee de Vleurgat, 1050 Brussels Telephone: 00-322-6409140 Fax: 00-322-6489638 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indembassy.be
BHUTAN Embassy of India Liaison Office of the Embassy of, India in Bhutan, Phuntsholing, Bhutan Telephone: +9755-2635 Fax: +00-975-5-252992 Email: [email protected]
Embassy of India India House, Jungshina, Thimphu, Bhutan Telephone: 00-975-2-322162 Fax: 00-975-2-323195 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Web: www.indianembassy.bt
Consulate General of India Maysel Apartments, Near Bank Colony, Phuentsholing, Bhutan Tel: 00-975-5-252101, 251588 Fax: 00-975-5-252992 E-mail: [email protected]
BOTSWANA High Commission of India Plot 5375 President s Drive, Private Bag 249, Gaborone, Botswana Telephone: 00-267-3972676 Fax: 00-267-3974636 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Web: www.highcommissionofindia.org.bw
BRAZIL Embassy of India SHIS QL 08, Conj. 08, Casa 01, Lago Sul, Brasilia D.F., CEP 71620 285, Brazil Tel: 00-55-61-32484006/ 4195/ 4197/ 4198 Fax: 00-55-61-32487849/ 5486 E-mail: [email protected]
Consulate General of India Av. Paulista, 925, 7th Floor, São Paulo, Brazil, CEP – 01311 – 916 Tel: 00-55-11-31710340/ 41, 32534290, 32851773 Fax: 00-55-11-31710342 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Web: www.indiaconsulate.org.br
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM High Commission of India Baitussyifaa, Simpang 40-22, Jalan Sungai Akar, Bandar Seri Begawan BC 3915 Brunei Darussalam. Telephone: 00-673-2339947, 2339685 Fax: 00-673-2339783 Email: [email protected] Web: www.brunet.bn/gov/emb/india (External website that opens in a new window)
BULGARIA Embassy of India 23, Sveti Sedmochislenitzi Street, Lozenets, Sofia 1421, Bulgaria. Telephone: 00-359-2-9635675, 9635676, 9635677 Fax: 00-359-2-9635686 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Web: www.indembsofia.org
BURKINA FASO Embassy of India No. 167, Rue Joseph Badoua, B.P. 6648, Ouagadougou- 01, Burkina Faso C Telephone: +00-226-312009,00-226-314368 Fax: +00-226-312012 Email: [email protected]
C |
CAMBODIA (Royal government of) PHNOM PENH Embassy of India Villa No. 5, Street No. 466, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Telephone: 00-855-23-210912, 210913 Fax: 00-855-23-213640 Email: [email protected]
CANADA High Commission of India 10 Springfield Road, Ottawa, Ontario K1M 1C9, Canada Telephone: 00-613-7443751-53 Fax: 00-613-7440913 Email: [email protected] Web: www.hciottawa.ca
CHILE Embassy of India 871, Triana, Post Box No. 10433, Santiago, Chile. Telephone: 00-56-2-2352005, 2352633 Fax: 00-56-2-2359607 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Web: www.embajadaindia.cl
CHINA Embassy of India 1.Ritan Dong Lu, Beijing 100600 China Telephone: 00-86-10-65321908, 65321856 Fax: 00-86-10-65324684 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indianembassy.org.cn
COLOMBIA Embassy of India Avenida Calle 116, No. 7-15, Int. 2, Off. 301, Torre Cusezar, Santa Barbara, Bogota D.C., Colombia Telephone: 00-57-1-6373259/ 279/ 280/ 289 Fax: 00-57-1-6373451/ 516 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Web: www.embajadadaindia.org
Congo [Republic of] Honorary Consulate General of India, Brazzaville B.P. 168, Avenue Bayardelle, Brazaville Republic of Congo. Telephone: 00-242-811646 (O) / 810099 (R) Fax: 00-242-815782 (O & R) E-Mail: [email protected], [email protected] (R), [email protected] (R), [email protected] (R)
COSTA RICA Embassy of India Hony. Consulate of India, San Jose, Embassy of India(Underjurisdiction, of Panama City Address: 4407-1000, Hony. Consu San Jose,Costa Rica. Telephone: +506 2203810 Fax: +506 296 6534
COTE D’IVOIRE Embassy of IndiaEmbassy of India Villa/Lot No. 2728, ILot 229, 7eme Tranche, II-Plateaux – Angre Abidjan 06 B.P. 318, Abidjan 06
Cote d’Ivoire [Ivory Coast] Telephone: 00-225-22423769/ 7079/1851/1884 Fax: 00-225-22426649 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indemabj.com CROATIA Embassy of India Kulmerska 23A, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Telephone: 00-385-1-4873239/40/41, 4824074 [R] Fax: 00-385-1-4817907 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indianembassy.hr
CUBA Embassy of India No. 202, Calle 21,Esquina a ‘K’,Vedado, Havana,Cuba Telephone: 00-53-7-8333777, 8333169, 551700 Fax: 001-8146801064, 00-53-7-8333287 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indembassyhavana.cu
CYPRUS(Republic of)(Nicosia) High Commission of India 3, Indira Gandhi St.,Montparnasse Hill, P.O. Box 25544, Engomi 2413 Nicosia, Telephone: 00-357-22351741, 22351170 Fax: 00-357-22-350402 [HC’s Office] Email: [email protected] [HC’s Office], [email protected] [HOC’s Office] Web: www.hcinicosia.org.cy
CZECH REPUBLIC Embassy of India Milady Horakove 60/93, 170 00, Prague 7, Czech Republic Telephone: 00-420-2-57533490 D Fax: 00-420-2-57533378, 57533285 Email: [email protected], [email protected] [Second Secretary] Web: www.india.cz |
D |
DENMARK Embassy of India Vangehusvej 15, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark. Telephone: 00-45-39182888, 39299201 Fax: 00-45-39270218 E Email: [email protected] Web: www.indian-embassy.dk |
E |
ECUADOR Embassy of India Under Jurisdiction of Bogota, Colombia Calle Francisco Andrade Marin, 274 y Eloy Alfaro,(Sector Parque La Carolina) Telephone: + 00 593 2 290 9836 Ext 102, 00 593 22444227 (Res) Fax: +00 593 2 255 9749 (Direct) Email: [email protected], [email protected]
EGYPT Embassy of India 5 Aziz Abaza Street, Zamalek, P.O.Box No. 718, Cairo – 11211, Egypt. Telephone: 00-20-2-7360052, 7356053 Fax: 00-20-2-7364038 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indembcairo.com
ETHIOPIA Embassy of India Arada Kifle Ketema, Kebele-14, H.No. 224, Post Box No. 528, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Telephone: 00-251-11-1235538 / 39 /40 /41F Fax: 00-251-11-1235547, 1235548 Email: [email protected], [email protected] [Chancery] Web: www.indianembassy.gov.et |
F |
FIJI(Suva) High Commission of India Level 7, LICI Building, Butt Street, PO Box 471, Suva, Fiji Telephone: 00-679-3301125 Fax: 00-679-3301032 Email: [email protected]
FINLAND Embassy of India 2 A 8, Satamakatu, 00160 Helsinki, Finland. Telephone: 00-358-9-2289910 Fax: 00-358-9-6221208 Email: [email protected]
FRANCE Embassy of India 5, Rue Alfred Dehodencq, 75016 Paris, France. Telephone: 00-33-1-40507070G Fax: 00-33-1-40500996 Email: [email protected] Web: www.ambinde.fr |
G |
GERMANY Embassy of India Tiergartenstrasse 17, 10785 Berlin, Germany Telephone: 00-49-30-257950 Fax: 00-49-30-25795102 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indianembassy.de
GHANA (Accra) High Commission of India No.9, Ridge Road, Roman Ridge, PO Box: CT-5708, Cantonments, Accra,Ghana Telephone: 00-233-21-775601/02 Fax: 00-233-21-772176 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indiahc-ghana.com
GREECE Embassy of India, 3, Kleanthous Street, Athens – 106 74 Telephone: 00-30-210 7216227 & 210 7216481 Fax: 00-30-210 7235458 & 210 7211252 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indianembassy.gr
GUYANA (Georgetown) High Commission of India 307 Church Street, Queenstown, P.O. Box No. 101148, Georgetown, Guyana H Telephone: 00-592-2263996, 2268965, 2263240 Fax: 00-592-2257012 Email:[email protected] |
H |
HUNGARY Embassy of India Buzavirag utca 14, 1025 Budapest, Hungary Telephone: 00-36-1-3257742, 3257743 Fax: 00-36-1-3257745I Email: [email protected] Web: www.indianembassy.hu |
I |
INDONESIA Embassy of India Jalan H.R. Rasuna Said Kav.S-1, Kuningan, Jakarta-12950, Indonesia Telephone: 00-62-21-5204150, 5204152 Fax: 00-62-21-5204160 Email: [email protected] Web: embassyofindiajakarta.org
IRAN (Islamic Republic of) T e h r a n Embassy of India No. 46, Mir-Emad St., Corner of 9th Street, Dr. Beheshti Avenue, P.O. Box No. 15875-4118, Tehran, Iran Telephone: 00-98-21-88755103 to 5 Fax: 00-98-21-88755973, 88745557 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indianembassy-tehran.com
IRAQ (Islamic Republic of) Embassy of India House No. 6, Zokak No. 25, Mohalla 306, Hay Al Maghrib, PO Box 4114, Adhamiya, Baghdad Telephone: 00-914-1-4228419, 5417377, 5435776 Fax: 00-964-1-4229549 Email: [email protected]
IRELAND Embassy of India 6, Leeson park, Dublin -6, Ireland. Telephone: 00-353-1-4970959, 4970843 Fax: 00-353-1-4978074 Email: [email protected]
ISRAEL Embassy of India 140 Hayarkon Street, PO Box 3368, Tel Aviv-61033, Telephone: 00-972-3-5291999 Fax: 00-972-3-5291953 Email: [email protected]
ITALY Embassy of India Via XX Settembre, 5, 00187 Rome Italy Telephone: 00-39-06-4884642 – 45 Fax: 00-39-06-4819539J Email: [email protected] Web: www.indianembassy.it |
J |
JAMAICA(Kingston) High Commission of India 27, Seymour Avenue, P.O. Box No. 446, Kingston-6, Jamaica [W.I.] Telephone: 00-1-876-9273114, 9274270 Fax: 00-1-876-9782801, 9780359 Email: [email protected], [email protected] [Consular] Web: www.hcikingston.com
JAPAN Embassy of India 5-7-2, Kojimachi MT 31 Building Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo-102-0083, Japan Telephone: 00-81-3-32622391 to 97 Fax: 00-81-3-32344866 Email: [email protected] [Chancery] Web: www.embassyofindiajapan.org
JORDAN Embassy of India Jabal Amman, 1st circle, PO Box 2168, Amman 11181,Jordan. Telephone: 00-962-6-4622098/4637262K Fax: 00-962-6-4659540 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indembassy.org.jo
K |
KAZAKHSTAN Embassy of India Kaskad Business Centre, 5th Floor, 6/1 Kabanbai Batyr Avenue, Astana, Kazakhstan Telephone: 00-7-7172-925700/ 701/ 702/ 703, 242257 Fax: 00-7-7172-925716/ 717 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indembassy.kz
KENYA High Commission of India Jeevan Bharati Building, Harambee Avenue, P.O. Box 30074, 00100 Nairobi Telephone: 00-254-2-222566-7, 224500 Fax: 00-254-2-316242 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Web: www.hcinairobi.co.ke
Assistant High Commission of India Bank of India Building, 3rd Floor, Nkrumah Road, PB No. 90164, Mombasa, Kenya Mombasa Telephone: 00-254-11-224433 Fax: 00-254-11-316740 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Web: www.hcinairobi.co.ke
KOREA (DPR) Embassy of India 6, Munsudong District, Daedonggang, Pyongyang, DPR Korea. Telephone: 00-850-2-3817215, 3817274 Fax: 00-850-2-3817619 Email: [email protected]
KOREA (Republic of) SEOUL Embassy of India 37-3, Hannam-dong, Yongsan-ku, Seoul 140210 Republic of Korea Telephone: 00-82-2-7984257, 7984268 Fax: 00-82-2-7969534 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indembassy.or.kr
KUWAIT Embassy of India Diplomatic Enclave, Arabian Gulf Street, P.O. Box No. 1450, Safat, 3015-Safat, Kuwait Telephone: 00-965-22530600 /12/13, 22527246, 22523568, 2530616 [R] Fax: 00-965-22546958 , 22571192, 22573910 [Consular] Email: [email protected], [email protected] Web: www.indembkwt.org
KYRGYZSTAN Embassy of India 15-A, Aeroportinskaya Street, Bishkek-720044, Kyrgyzstan Telephone: 00-996-312-549214, 595756 & 541450L Fax: 00-996-312-543245, 595763 Email: [email protected]
L |
LAOS Embassy of India 002, Ban Wat-Nak, Thadeua Road, KM 3, Sisattanak District,Vientiane Lao, PDR. Telephone: 00-856-21-352301-04 Fax: 00-856-21-352300 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indemblao.nic.in
LEBANON Embassy of India 31, Kantari Street,Sahmarani Building, P.O. Box No. 113-5240 ( Hamra ),11-1764 ,Beirut,-1107-2090 Telephone: 00-961-1-373539, 372619 Fax: 00-961-1-373538 Email: [email protected]
LIBYA Embassy of India Nafleen Area,Near Fashloom Roundabout, P.O. Box No. 3150, Tripoli, Libya Telephone: 00-218-21- 3409288/89 Fax: 00-218-21-3409282, 3404843M Email: [email protected], [email protected] Web: www.indembtrip.org |
M |
MADAGASCAR (Republic of) Embassy of India 4, Lalana Rajaonson Emile, Tsaralalana, PO Box 1787, Antananarivo Telephone: 00-261-20-2223334. 2227156 Fax: 00-261-20-2233790 Email: [email protected], [email protected]
MALAYSIA High Commission of India No. 2, Jalan Taman Duta, Off Jalan Duta, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Telephone: 00-603-20931015, 20933504 Fax: 00-603-20925826 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Web: www.indianhighcommission.com.my
MALDIVE High Commission of India Athireege Aage,Ameeru Ahmed Magu, Henveiru, Male, 20-25 Telephone: 00-960-323015, 323016 Fax: 00-960-324778 Email: [email protected] MALTA High Commission of India Regional Road, St Julians, SGN 02, Malta. Telephone: +356-344302/03 Fax: +356-34429
MAURITIUS High Commission of India 6th Floor, Life Insurance Corporation of India President John Kennedy Street, PO Box 162,Port Louis, Mauritius Telephone: 00-230-2083775, 2083776 Fax: 00-230-2086859 Email: [email protected] Web: indiahighcom.intnet.mu
MEXICO Embassy of India Av. Musset 325, Col. Polanco, C.P. 11550, Mexico D.F.,Mexico Telephone: 00-52-55-55311050, 55311002 Fax: 00-52-55-52542349 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Web: www.indembassy.org
MONGOLIA Embassy of India Zaluuchuudyn Urgun Chuluu 10, C.P.O. Box No. 691,Ulaanbaatar – 14190, Mongolia Telephone: 00-976-11-329522, 329524, 329528 Fax: 00-976-11-329532 Email: [email protected], [email protected] [Consular] Web: www.indianembassy.mn
MOZAMBIQUE High Commision of India Avenida Kenneth Kaunda No. 167, PO Box 4751, Maputo, Mozambique Telephone: 00-258-1-492437, 490717 Fax: 00-258-1-492364 Email: [email protected] Web: www.hicomind-maputo.org
MOROCCO Embassy of India 13, Charia Michiifen,Agdal, Rabat, Morocco Telephone: 00-212-37-671339, 675974 Fax: 00-212-37-671269 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indianembassymorocco.ma
MYANMAR (Union of) YANGON Embassy of India No. 545-547, Merchant Street, P.O. Box No. 751, Yangon, Myanmar Telephone: 00-95-1-391219, 243972, 388412, 222619 [R] Fax: 00-95-1-254086N Email: [email protected] Web: www.indiaembassy.net.mm
N |
NAMIBIA High Commission of India 97, Nelson Mandela Avenue, P.O. Box No. 1209, Windhoek, Namibia Telephone: 00-264-61-226037/ 36, 228433 Fax: 00-264-61-237320 Email:[email protected] Web: www.highcommissionofindia.web.na
NEPAL Embassy of India P.O. Box No. 292, 336, Kapurdhara Marg, Kathmandu, Nepal Telephone: 00-9771-4410900, 4414990, 4411699 Fax: 00-9771-4420130, 4428245, 4428279 Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] [DCM’s Office] Web: www.south-asia.com/Embassy-India
NETHERLANDS Embassy of India Buitenrustweg-2, 2517 KD, The Hague, Netherlands. Telephone: 00-31-70-3469771 Fax: 00-31-70-3617072 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indianembassy.nl
NEWZEALAND High Commission of India Level 9, 180 Molesworth Street, Thorndon, Wellington-6015, New Zealand Telephone: 00-64-4-4736390 Fax: 00-64-4-4990665, 4737149 Email: [email protected] Web: www.hicomind.org.nz
NIGERIA(ABUJA) High Commission of India 8-A, Walter Carrington Crescent, PMB. 80128, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria Telephone: 00-234-1-7912442 [Direct], 2627680, 2615905, 2615078 Fax: 00-870-782670639 Email: [email protected], [email protected] [FS (Cons.)], [email protected] [Consular Section] Web: www.indianhcabuja.com
High Commission of India, (Branch Office) 15 Rio Negro Close, Off Yedseram Street, Maitama, P.O. Box No. 710 [Garki PO], Abuja, Nigeria Telephone: 00-234-9-4602800-4 [5 lines] Satellite Tel: + 870772214894 Fax: 00-234-9-44602805 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indianhcabuja.com
NORWAY Embassy of India Niels Juels Gate 30, 0244 Oslo, Norway Telephone: 00-47-24115910O Fax: 00-47-24115912 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Web: www.indemb.no
O |
OMAN Embassy of India Diplomatic Area, Jami’at Al-Dowal Al-Arabia Street, Diplomatic Quarters, Al Khuwair, P.O. Box No. 1727, Postal Code : 112, Ruwi, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman Telephone: 00-968-24684500P Fax: 00-968-24698291 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Web: www.indemb-oman.org |
P |
PAKISTAN High Commission of India G-5, Diplomatic Enclave, Islamabad, Pakistan Telephone: 00-92-51-2206950-54 Fax: 00-92-51-2823386 Email: [email protected]
PAPUA NEW GUINEA(PORT MORESBY) High Commission of India Lot 20, Section 8, Unit 2, Tanatana Street, Boroko, PO Box No. 86, Waigani, NCD, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea Telephone: 00-675-3254757 Fax: 00-6753253138 Email: [email protected]
PERU Embassy of India Avenida Salaverry, 3006, Magdalena Del Mar, Lima – 17, Peru Telephone: 00-51-1-4602289, 2616006, 4610371 Fax: 00-51-1-4610374 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indembassy.org.pe
PHILIPPINES Embassy of India 2190 Paraiso Street, Dasmarinas Village, Makati City, Metro Manila, P.O. Box No. 2123 MCPO, Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines Telephone: 00-632-8430101/02, 8945767 Fax: 00-632-8158151, 8927301 Email: [email protected] Web: www.embindia.org.ph
POLAND Embassy of India Ul. Rejtana 15, Flats 2-7, 02-516 Warsaw, Poland Telephone: 00-48-22-8495800, 8496257 Fax: 00-48-22-8496705 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Web: www.indianembassy.pl
PORTUGAL Embassy of India Rua Pero da Covilha, No. 16, Restelo 1400-297 Lisbon, Portugal Telephone: 00-351-21-3041090/ 91/ 93 Fax: 00-351-21-3016576 [General]Q Email: [email protected], & [email protected] [Consular] Web: www.indembassy-lisbon.org |
Q |
QATAR (State of) DOHA Embassy of India No. 12, Al Jaleel Street, Al Hilal Area, P.O. Box No. 2788, Doha, Qatar Telephone: 00-974-4255777 Fax: 00-974-4670448 [General], 4672684 [Consular]R Email: [email protected] Web: www.indianembassyqatar.org |
R |
REPUBLIC OF PANAMA Embassy of India No. 10325, Avenida Federico Boyd y Calle 51, Bella Vista, Apdo. 0823-05815, Panama, Republic of Panama Telephone: 00-507-2642416, 2643043, 2648780, 2260012 Fax: 00-507-2642855, 2654548 Email: [email protected] [Attache/PS], [email protected], [email protected] [Admn.] Web: www.indempan.org
ROMANIA Embassy of India 183, Mihai Eminescu Street, Sector-2, Bucharest-020078, Romania Telephone: 00-40-21-2115451, 6190236 , 2302767 [R] Fax: 00-40-21-2110614 [General], 2118715 [Amb.’s Off.] Email: [email protected] [General], [email protected][Consular] Web: www.embassyofindia.ro
RUSSIAN FEDERATION Embassy of India 6-8 Ulitsa Vorontosovo Polye [Obukha], Moscow Russia Telephone: 00-7-495-7837535 [10 lines], 7837531 [R] Fax: 00-7-495-9172285, 9163632, 9163447 [Amb], 9178915 [DCM]S Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Web: www.indianembassy.ru |
S |
SAUDI ARABIA Embassy of India B-1, Diplomatic Quarters, P.B. No. 94387, Riyadh-11693, Saudi Arabia Telephone: 00-966-1-4884144/4691/4692, 4834252/254, 4884189,4884697, 4881982 [24 hours] Fax: 00-966-1-4884750 [Chancery], 4807764 [Edu. & HOC], 4884183 [Consular Wing] Email: [email protected], [email protected] Web: www.indianembassy.org.sa
SENEGAL Embassy of India 5, Avenue Carde, BP-398, Dakar, Senegal Telephone: 00-221-338495875 Fax: 00-221-338223585 Email: [email protected] [HOC] Web: www.ambassadeinde.sn
SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO Embassy of India Ljutice Bogdana 811040 Belgrade Telephone: +381-11-266-1029,266-1034,2664-127 Fax: +381-11-367-4209 Email: [email protected] [Information Wing], [email protected] [Consular Wing] Web: www.embassyofindiabelgrade.org
SEYCHELLES High Commission of India Le Chantier, PO Box No. 488, Victoria, Republic of Seychelles Telephone: 00-248-610301-04 Fax: 00-248-610308 Email: [email protected] [General], [email protected] [Consular] Web: www.seychelles.net/hicomind
SINGAPORE High Commission of India India House, 31 Grange Road, Singapore – 239702 Telephone: 00-65-67376777, 62382537 Fax: 00-65-67326909 Email: [email protected] Web: www.embassyofindia.com
SLOVAK REPUBLIC Embassy of India Dunajska 4, (7th Floor), 811 08 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Telephone: 00-421-2-5296 2915 Fax: 00-421-2-5296 2921 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indianembassy.sk
SOUTH AFRICA High Commission of India 852 Schoeman Street, Arcadia 0083, Pretoria, South Africa, P.O. Box No. 40216, Arcadia 0007, Pretoria, South Africa Telephone: 00-27-12-3425392 to 95 Fax: 00-27-12-3425310 [General], 4303326 [HC’s office], 4305106 [DHC’s office] Email: [email protected] [HOC] Web: www.indiainsouthafrica.com
High Commission of India The Terraces, 9th Floor, 34 Bree Street, Cape Town 8001, P.O. Box No. 3316, Cape Town 8000, South Africa Telephone: 00-27-21-4198110, 4198111 Fax: 00-27-21-4198112 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indiainsouthafrica.com
SPAIN Embassy of India Avenida Pio-XII, 30-32, 28016, Spain Telephone: 00-34-913098870 [Chancery], 913098885/86/87/88 [Consular] Fax: 00-34-913451112 [Chancery], 913451900 [Consular] Email: [email protected] [Ambassador’s office], [email protected] [Counsellor’s office] Web: www.embassyindia.es
SRI LANKA(COLOMBO) High Commission of India 36-38, Galle Road, P.O Box No. 882, Colombo 3, Sri Lanka. Telephone: 00-94-11-2421605, 2422788/ 89, 2327587 Fax: 00-94-11-2446403, 2448166, 2472685 [Visa Section] Email: [email protected] [Second Secretary & HOC] Web: www.hcicolombo.org
High Commission of India No. 31, Rajapihilla Mawatha, P.O Box 47, Kandy, Sri Lanka Telephone: 00-94-81- 2222652, 2223786 Fax: 00-94-81-2232479 Email: [email protected]
SUDAN Embassy of India P.O. Box No. 707, 61-Africa Road, Khartoum-II, Sudan. Telephone: 00-249-1-83574001 / 2/ 3/ 4 Fax: 00-249-1-83574050 [Ambassador], 83574051 [HOC], 83574052 [Commercial] Email: [email protected], [email protected] [Assistant Consular Officer] Web: www.indembsdn.com
SURINAME Embassy of India Dr. Sophie Redmondstraat, No. 221, P.O. Box 1329, Paramaribo, Suriname Telephone: 00-597-498344 Fax: 00-597-491106, 499382 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indembassysuriname.com
SWEDEN Embassy of India Adolf Fredriks Kyrkogata 12, Box 1340, 111 83 Stockholm, Sweden. Telephone: 00-46-8-107008, 4113212 Fax: 00-46-8-248505 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indianembassy.se
SWITZERLAND Embassy of India Postfach 406, Kirchenfeldstrasse 28, CH-3005, Berne-6, Switzerland Telephone: 00-41-31-3511110, 3511046 Fax: 00-41-31-3511557 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indembassybern.ch
SYRIA Embassy of India 3455, Sharkassiyeh, Ibn Al Haitham Street, Abu Rumaneh, PO Box. 685 DamascusT Telephone: 00-963-11-3347351, 3347352 Fax: 00-963-11-3347912 Email: [email protected]
T |
TAJIKISTAN Embassy of India 45, Bukhoro Street, Dushanbe, Tajikistan. Telephone: 00-992-37-2217172 /1803, 2213988 Fax: 00-992-37-2510035/45, 2212461 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indianembassy.tj
TANZANIA High Commission of India 82, Kinondoni Road, Kinondoni, P.O. Box No. 2684, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Telephone: 00-255-22-2669040/1/2, 669049 Fax: 00-255-22-2669043, 2669050 Email: [email protected] Web: www.hcindiatz.org
THAILAND Embassy of India 46, Soi Prasarnmitr, Soi 23, Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok 10110 Telephone:(662) 2580300-5 Fax:(662) 2584627, 2621740 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indianembassy.gov.in/bangkok
TUNISIA Embassy of India 4, Place Didon Notre Dame, Tunis 1002, Tunisia. Telephone: 00-216-71-787819, 790968, 781825 Fax: 00-216-71-787819, 790968, 781825 Email: [email protected]
TURKEY Embassy of India 77, Cinnah Caddesi, Cankaya, 06680-Ankara, Turkey Telephone: 00-90-312-4382195 to 98 [4 lines] Fax: 00-90-312-4403429, 4399323 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indembassy.org.tr
TURKMENISTAN Embassy of India International Business Centre, Y, Emre 1, Mir 2/1, P.O. Box No. 80, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan Telephone: 00-99-312-456152/ 53, 907455 Fax: 00-99-312-452434, 456156U Email: [email protected] Web: www.indianembassy-tm.org |
U |
UGANDA High Commission of India Plot 11, Kyadondo Road, Nakasero, PO Box 7040 Kampala, Uganda Telephone: 00-256-41-4257368, 4342994, 4344631 Fax: 00-256-41-4254943 Email: [email protected], [email protected]
UKRAINE Embassy of India 4 Terokhina Street, Kyiv – 01901, Ukraine. Telephone: 00-380-44-4686219, 4686661 Fax: 00-380-44-4686619 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indianembassy.org.ua
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Embassy of India Plot No. 10, Sector W-59/02 Diplomatic Area, Off-Airport Road, PO Box 4090, Abu Dhabi, Telephone: 00-971-2-4492700 Fax: 00-971-2-4444685 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indembassyuae.org
UNITED KINGDOM High Commission of India India House, Aldwych, London WC2B 4NA, United Kingdom Telephone: 00-44-207-8368484 Fax: 00-44-207-8364331 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Web: www.hcilondon.net
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Embassy of India 2107, Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington D.C. 20008. Telephone: 00-1-202-9397000 Fax: 00-1-202-2654351 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indianembassy.org
UZBEKISTAN Embassy of India 15-16, Kara-Bulak, (Vakhshskaya) Street, Mirzo Ulugbek District, Telephone: 00-998-71-1400983/97/98 Fax: 00-998-71-1400999/87V Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Web: www.indembassy.uz |
V |
VENEZUELA Embassy of India Quinta Tagore, No. 12, Avenida San Carlos, La Floresta, P.O. Box : Apartado de Correo 61585, Chacao 1060, Caracas, Venezuela Telephone: 00-58-212-2857887, 2853806, 2866498 & 2853637 Fax: 00-58-212-5865131 Email: [email protected] Web: www.embindia.org
VIETNAM Embassy of India 58-60, Tran Hung Dao, Hanoi, Socialist Republic of VietnamY Telephone: 00-844-38244989/90 /94, 39342647 Fax: 00-844-38244998 Email: [email protected], [email protected] |
Y |
YEMEN (Republic of) SANA’A Embassy of India Building No. 12, Djibouti Street, Off Hadda Street,Sana’a, Republic of Yemen Telephone: 00-967-1-441251-52Z Fax: 00-967-1-441257 Email: [email protected] Web: www.eoisanaa.com.ye |
Z |
ZAMBIA (lusaka) High Commission of India 1, Pandit Nehru Road, Long Acres, P.O. Box No. 32111, Lusaka, Zambia Telephone: 00-260-211-253159/60 Fax: 00-260-211-254118 Email: [email protected] Web: www.hcizambia.com
ZIMBABWE High Commission of India No. 12, Natal Road, Belgravia, Post Box No. 4620, Harare, Zimbabwe Telephone: 00-263-4-795955/56, 792523 Fax: 00-263-4-795958 Email: [email protected], [email protected] |